Furthermore, depending upon the store
Furthermore, depending upon the store, retail markups also vary, based on numerous factors unique to each retailer, including differences in insurance coverage, security costs, credit risks, education and training costs, special services such as in-house design and custom jewelry production and repair, customer service policies, and more.
The best way to select wisely is to shop around and compare the services they offer, how knowledgeable the salespeople seem, the quality of their products, and pricing for specific items. This will give a sense of what is fair. As you do so, however, remember to ask the right questions to be sure the items are truly comparable, and pay attention to design and manufacturing differences as well.
If the jeweler can’t or won’t provide the necessary information, then you go to another jewelry store, no matter how much you’ve fallen in love with the piece. And, if you are making the purchase on a contingency basis, put the terms of the contingency on the bill of sale.
Never allow yourself to be intimidated into accepting anyone’s claims. A trustworthy jeweler will have to ask for your trust; he or she will earn it through knowledge, reliability, and a willingness to give you any information you request; in writing.
Again, in general, you will be in a stronger position to differentiate between a knowledgeable, reputable jeweler and one who isn’t if you’ve shop around first. Unless you are an expert, visit several firms, ask questions, examine merchandise carefully, and then you be the judge.
Wholesale jewelry store can provide the perfect choice for wedding jewelry.
Tags: contingency basis, cultured pearl necklace, customer service policies, jewelry production, rope necklace