Archive for the ‘freshwater pearl necklace’ Category
Monday, June 16th, 2008

When a diamond is fashioned into its shape, there are certain decisions that have to be made. Shape determines the amount of fire and brilliance a stone will have, and no stone can have it all. So gem specialists must often choose one or the other. The current trend is to cut stones to enhance their brilliance rather than to increase their fire.
Of course, fire, brilliance, and scintillation are important, but the most important thing is how a stone seems to you. When you are choosing a diamond for yourself, the most important thing is that you find that special something in it. If the stone has all the fire, scintillation, and brilliance in the world, if you don’t find it appealing it is worthless to you.
Mother of pearl and ownership of one or several pearl farms has found a lucrative market in the public. Pearls are usually used in creating necklaces, rings, bracelets and even in the creation of various sets of jewelry. It has become a status symbol not just to the rich but also to people from all walks of life so much that the market for fake reproductions of the mother of pearl has found its own patronage. With its increasing popularity, it is bound to create questions to interested investors such that a lot of people have become intrigued on how it is made or created by nature.
How it is formed
Mother of pearl is also known as nacre. It is a composite of both organic and inorganic chemicals created by nature. The chemical make-up of this composite is hexagonal platelets of aragonite. The dimension of this platelet is 10-20 micrometers with a thickness of 0.5 micrometer. In between the layers of these platelets is a thin organic matrix made up of elastic biopolymers. This unique combination makes the mother of pearls resilient and strong. When this combination is multiplied, meaning the dimensions of the composite grows bigger, the toughness increases as well.
Mother of pearls are created by the mollusc species from their epithelial cells from the mantle tissue. Over time, the molluscs continually deposit layers on the inner surface of the shell. This action presents two purposes. One, as defense against parasites which could damage the detritus and two, it smoothens the shell of the mollusc itself.
The process of encystation occurs when the molluscs get invaded by a parasitic organism or in cases when they are invaded by a foreign object which the mollusc cannot spew out. What happens is that the parasite or foreign object gets enclosed in the layers of the mother of pearl that the mollusc continually deposits. This continuous process of depositing several layers eventually creates the pearls that are marketed by jewelers to the public. Until the mother of pearl is taken from the mollusc, the pearl continues to grow bigger.
What happened to me meets the criteria for murder in that his intent was certainly malicious – Malice is defined as “feeling a need to see others suffer.” He had to plan in advance which covers – aforethought or he wouldn’t have had the drug with him to slip into someone’s drink and pearl pendant designs. And I think it should go without saying that he lacked justification. Gone are the days of thinking “she asked for it.” But just in case you’re wondering – not that I need to explain since what I was wearing should have jewelry enhancers to do with what happened to me – I was not dressed to impress and I certainly wasn’t looking for a date. And neither has ANY MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD who has lived through this horrific, humiliating, violent crime. So as you can see he certainly lacked justification as jewelry clasp wholesale.
Tags: freshwater pearl strands, memorable occasion, pearl jewelry store, shapes, top quality service Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on When a diamond is fashioned
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Bridge jewelry is called that because it is the bridge between Fine jewelry and Fashion jewelry. It may use vermeil, gold filled or silver as the metal and uses semi precious stones such as amethyst, citrine, turquoise, jade, topaz, fresh water pearls, garnet and others. Much Bridge jewelry is artisan-made, but it can also be mass produced. Bridge jewelry is often found in craft shows, galleries and art shows. Prices are in the mid range between Fine jewelry and Fashion jewelry.
Of course other combinations are found in jewelry. Some designers use precious metals such as 14k gold with amethyst. These pieces are not so easily classified. Price points and materials are the most definitive difference between the categories of jewelry. Fine jewelry as the most expensive and Fashion jewelry as an inexpensive alternative. Bridge jewelry falls between these two on price.
Bridge jewelry is a unique and affordable addition to your jewelry collection. You may see some familiar names in galleries or fine department stores and begin to recognize them as producers of Bridge jewelry. When you attend an art show, take a special look at the jewelry and you will recognize that much of it is fine artisan-made Bridge jewelry. It can provide you a good value because of the combination of quality materials; creativity and workmanship provided by the designers of these unique one-of-a-kind or limited edition pieces.
If you are in a jewelry shop browsing for a gift for yourself or a loved on, or perusing jewelry ads, you may come across the word “fire” to label a diamond. What does that mean? That the diamond is hot? As fun as a magically warm diamond would be, fire used in reference to diamonds actually means the refraction of light that occurs through a diamond. This creates a band of color like a rainbow. Greeks of the classical period believed that this rainbow fire was a tiny encapsulated portion of the eternal burning of love.
It is best to look for a diamond’s fire in places where the light is low, like over a candle light dinner or in a soft-lighted parlor. Exactly how much fire you will see is dependent on how the particular diamond is shaped. More traditionally shaped diamonds look like they have more fire than diamonds shaped in the modern style, because they have exaggerated angles at the crown, and flat, tabular facets. Some other things to consider when you are looking for fire are brilliance and scintillation. Brilliance is a measure of a how bright a diamond is, and how much interior contrast it presents. This affects how much light returns to the viewer. Brilliance is sometimes called return-of-light in the industry. This is what gives diamonds their trademark sparkle, and is what most people are immediately attracted to in the stones. Hence, many gem specialists believe that it a stone’s most valuable aspect.
Scintillation comes from the Latin for sparks or embers. For diamonds, scintillation is the way in which light scatters off the surface of stone when it is in motion. Brilliance and scintillation are similar, but the former refers to the light reflected while a diamond is sitting still. Both of them are distinct from fire, which is the reflection of light but about a stone’s rainbow making refractions of light.
pearl jewerlry that’s what they call what happened to me. I guess it’s better than disighn for pearl jewalery. But really there are no words to adequately sum up or label what we survivors live through. Sounds dramatic but the closest I can to come describe what happened to me, what I lived through is MURDER. Wikipedia defines Murder as “the unlawful killing of one human being by another. …generally distinguished from other forms of homicide by the elements of malice, aforethought, and the lack of justification.” I’m not trying to insult families whose loved ones have lost their lives at the hands of someone else. But I make the parallel because I too have lost my life in a way. My life as I knew it has changed to coin pearls wholesale forever. That man killed my spirit and may as well have killed me the night he decided to go to a bar, drug my drink and rape me.
Tags: cultured pearl pendant, diamond engagement ring, freshwater pearl necklace, romantic gift Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on Bridge jewelry is called that because
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Other pearl necklace styles
Other styles of pearl necklaces are the bib which, as the name implies, covers the base of the neck and the upper part of the chest in several strands of varying lengths. Another option is the graduated necklace which consists of pearls in graduated lengths, usually with the biggest pearl/s in the middle. A popular style is the uniform necklace where pearls of similar size are strung together.
Choosing pearl colors and size
While white, cream, pink or silver pearls generally will look good on anyone, they can best enhance fairer skin. Gold or yellow pearls will look best on darker-toned skin.
Generally, younger women should wear smaller pearls. At this point in their lives, they could show off their youthful necks with smaller-sized chains and pendants. Older women may want to use longer-length pearl necklaces to draw attention away from their necks. They can also wear bigger pearls with wider, double- or triple-strand chains.
Pearl necklace sets
One of the best ways to buy matching jewelry is to get ones that come in a set. This way, you have a necklace, a pair of earrings and either a ring or bracelet that come in matching styles. However, if you prefer just the necklace, some jewelers will allow you to buy one off a set.
Jewelry is more than an accessory; it can be a promise, a remembrance, a statement or a frivolous decoration. Fine jewelry, Bridge jewelry and Fashion Jewelry are all types of jewelry that allow you to have a variety of choices to you add to your collection and create your look. The terms Bridge jewelry and Artisan jewelry are sometimes used as if they are synonymous. We will explore this assumption and discover that Bridge jewelry and Artisan jewelry can be the same thing, but are not always the same.
Fine jewelry is jewelry that uses at least 14 kt. Gold or other precious metals along with precious gems like diamonds, sapphires, rubies or emeralds. Fine jewelry can be mass-produced or artisan-made one-of-a-kind pieces or limited-edition. It can be found in fine jewelry stores or in galleries. Fine jewelry commands the highest prices.
Fashion jewelry can also be artisan-made or mass produced. Materials used in the designs are base metals, glass, plastic and other synthetics. This jewelry may also be made of shell, wood and other organic materials. Fashion jewelry is available in department stores, discount stores, drug stores and even flea markets. Prices on Fashion jewelry tend to be the most affordable of all jewelry.
Though I don’t have a Wholesale Jewelry China or gunshot wound my wounds run just as deep. They can’t be sewed up like a stab wound, taken out like a bullet or seen in an x-ray. They lie deep inside. And they hurt of Wholesale Jewelry China. They cause me to lay awake at nights, struggling to sleep then wake me in a state of panic. They cause me to be afraid. All of the time. And no matter how many times I tell myself “I’m safe.” “Nobody can hurt me.” They cause me to be jumpy and fearful of everyday sounds and events. They cause me to doubt myself, forget things and live a sad existence. They caused me to want to die and to act upon that want to get crystal jewelry wholesale. They caused me to end up in a psych ward. They caused me to quit my teaching job and close my business. They caused me to stop leaving my house except for doctors appointments
Tags: cultured pearl pendant, little imperfections, men and women, wholesale sterling silver jewelry Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on Other pearl necklace styles
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Pearls are rarer when they are produced naturally but while cultured pearls are quite affordable, their quality is in no way inferior to that of natural pearls. To an untrained eye, it is very difficult to tell a natural pearl from its cultured cousin. The only way to differentiate is probably to use x-ray where a ‘nucleus’ will be spotted in the cultured variety.
Some of the more common types of pearls used in necklaces are Mikimoto, Akoya, Tahitian and South Sea Pearls. Mikimoto is the highest quality pearls and come in different colors. Akoya pearls often come in white, cream or silver while Tahitian and South Sea pearls have darker colors. Saltwater pearls are more expensive than freshwater pearls.
Choosing pearl necklace lengths
Choosing the right length of pearl necklace depends upon the wearer’s age, neck size and overall body composition. In general, long necklaces tend to elongate the neck and draw attention away from it, as opposed to shorter-length ones which flatter longer necks. Here are the different lengths of pearl necklaces recommended for every woman’s unique need:
Collar – typically 10 to 13 inches long and are quite flexible either for evening wear or casual day wear. These are worn high on the neck, above the base. Another style is the dog collar, which is made of several strands, quite popular in the Victorian era and slowly making a comeback.
Choker – 16 to 18 inches long, chokers surround the base of the neck. A good choice for ladies with long, thin necks because chokers can de-emphasize the throat’s length.
Princess – at 17 to 20 inches long, this is the most popular length, classic enough to match any outfit or neckline.
Matinee – 20 to 24 inches long. These work well worn with dresses, business suits and corporate wear and are a great choice for occasions requiring semi-formal wear.
Opera – 28 to 34 inches long, usually worn during formal events and occasions. Because of its length, this pearl necklace may be doubled to form two strands. When worn as is, it should ideally reach below the bust line.
Rope or sautoir – the longest, starting at 37 inches, worn best with pantsuits. Rope-length pearls don’t have to hang from the wearer’s neck alone. They could be doubled or knotted for more style flexibility. Some even come with multiple clasps, which allow the wearer to use the necklace in shorter lengths.
Short necks will do well wearing pearl strands that sit at least 2” below the collarbone while thick or heavy necks will look good in graduated chains with lengths beginning at 18”. Long thin necks are flattered by shorter lengths, especially those that sit at the base of neck, following the curve of the throat.
pearl strands wholesale requires consent I didn’t consent. I wasn’t even conscious and I generally don’t have sterling silver 925 when I’m unconscious. RAPE ISN’T EVEN ABOUT SEX. It’s not motivated by desire. RAPE IS ABOUT VIOLENCE AND CONTROL AND FORCE. A robber might use a gun or knife as a weapon. THOSE WHO RAPE USE SEX AS A WEAPON. Sometimes they use sex and a knife or a gun or in my case pearls and crystals necklaces and amnesiac drugs. I avoid the term DATE RAPE DRUGS here because I wasn’t on a date when this stranger decided to drop something into my drink, follow me from the bar then rape me.
Tags: art literature, cultured pearl pendant, romantic gift, sterling silver jewelry, top quality service Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | 1 Comment »
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Do’s of Wearing Perfume
If you have dry skin, wear extra perfume. The oils in your skin, or lack thereof, can enhance or weaken the scent. When it’s cold out, wear extra perfume. Cold weather tends to weaken the scent as well. When, buying new perfume, don’t base your decision on what works for someone else. Try it out on your own skin first. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to a scent.
The best time to apply perfume is right after a shower or bath. After bathing, your skin pores will be open and will soak up the perfume’s fragrance. Also when bathing, use non-deodorized soap where the perfume will be applied. Soaps and deodorants can affect how the perfume will smell on your skin; the mixture won’t always be pleasant!
When applying perfume, dab it in unusual places where it will stay warm and keep its scent longer. It can be applied on the inside of the elbow, on the wrist, neck, stomach, cleavage, and back of the knees.
Don’ts of Wearing Perfume
While there are many positives to wearing perfume, there are few things to avoid. One involves perfume and jewelry. Certain types of jewelry, such as costume or pearl jewelry, can become discolored due to perfume alcohols. Some jewelry can also be stripped of its outer coating. When wearing perfume with this type of jewelry, apply it away from the jewelry.
Don’t use only one perfume year round. Test out various perfumes during seasonal changes to see which ones work best in the hot or cool temperatures. Different fragrances are affected by temperatures when it comes to scent intensity.
Never apply perfume behind the ears. It can blend with skin secretions and create a bad smell. Also, don’t spray perfume onto light-colored clothes because it can turn the fabric yellow.
When buying perfumes online, try out the same brand and scent in a local store first to be sure it’s right for you. You can often find great perfumes and men’s colognes such as Adidas, Antonio Puig, Anucci, Byblos, Britney Spears, Bulgari, Chanel, Capucci, Cartier, and more at online shopping stores.
These stores carry a wide supply of fragrances, even at wholesale prices. You can also shop for other great items while you’re there including sporting goods products, computers, DVDs, pet supply items, office supply products, tools, car items, electronics, jewelry, and more.
Pearl necklaces never run out of style. They are always classy, elegant and quite flexible as wardrobe accessories. They are one of the most popular gift choices for weddings, being the birthstone of June and they have a lasting, mystical appeal that has been celebrated for thousands of years.
bulk wish pearl gift sets at night by herself or in my case why did she leave her drink unattended? Didn’t she know better? I ask myself such questions of wholesale shell Jewelry. So trust me I don’t need you asking them. It was my rape counselor who pointed out my skewed thinking on this matter when she said “why doesn’t anyone simply say – men shouldn’t rape,” when they hear about such crimes. Instead of focusing on what people should or shouldn’t have done prior to being raped – as if it was their fault in someway – let’s focus on the fact that the ones to blame and focus on here are rapists – not victims. Nobody has the right to rape Pearl jewlery assesories. The thinking that a woman shares responsibility with her rapist since she was careless to be jogging alone at night or leave a drink unattended in a bar is as ludicrous as it would be to allege that someone whose house is broken into is in someway to blame. Don’t they know that people break into houses? Why do they have valuables if they know that someone might steal them? How could they sleep at night when that’s obviously when burglars strike?When we hear about a rape often we ask ourselves why the woman choose
Tags: diamond engagement rings, personality, styles and shapes, wholesale sterling silver jewelry Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on Do’s of Wearing Perfume
Monday, June 16th, 2008

We have given you a taste of the basic thats in and ‘happening’ this season. Trousers are around in many styles, including skinny ones carrying on from last season and high-waisted, pleat-fronted for the very slim. Layered looks provide one of the hottest trends with multiple strands from short to very long.
Cropped pants – If you see pants that are too long to classify in the shorts category and too short to qualify as the regular long pants those are referred as cropped pants.
Cuffed pants- Many of the cuffed pants are also cropped. Drawstrings pants or Nadal style Capri will complement your sweatshirt while going to the Gym and later in warming up.
A casual yet stylish sweatshirt will be perfect to help your body warming up. The perfect jacket is one of the most important elements of your wardrobe, and with so many shapes and fabrics available this fall, it would be a crime to choose just one.
The perfume fragrances you wear can cause people to be attracted to you or, unfortunately, to flee from you! You should carefully choose perfumes that enhance the space around you. Be careful not to offend others with fragrances that are too strong. Here are some quick perfume tips on choosing and wearing fragrances.
Choosing a Perfume Fragrance
Find a fragrance that complements your skin and natural aroma of your body. The scent should be subtle enough to not invade anyone else’s “personal space” but pleasant enough that others will want to stay around you. Perfume is meant to enhance your personality, attire, and overall being.
When you visit the fragrance department in a department store, sample perfumes by spraying a couple of fragrances on your skin in areas located far apart from one another. For example, spray one type on your hand and the other on your upper arm. Don’t try spraying on more than two fragrances in a single trip. Then, leave the store or at least the perfume section for a few minutes to smell the fragrances on your skin. This will allow you to smell the scents without them blending with others from the fragrance section.
Try each scent directly on your skin to be sure it’s the perfect match. The fragrance should blend well with your normal body aroma, as well as the scents of your clothing detergent, shampoos, and makeup.
If you think you’ve found the perfect perfume for you, wait a day before buying. Try on a sample of only that particular perfume from the department store and then leave it on for a day. Be sure it doesn’t lose its scent during the day, change scents, or cause any allergies or headaches. Wearing it for a day should reveal all of these.
I want you to know that for every person who goes to the tahitian pearls wholesale and/or the police, there are countless others who do not. It is a shame of wholesale love pearl but some survivors don’t feel they can come forward without having to endure an attack on their character, an incorrect assumption that most people who cry rape are lying, and questioning or scrutiny by people over the actions of the victim as if some how it could be their fault. People who have been raped don’t need you judging their actions of semi-precious stone jewerly, believe me they’ve done it themselves and they will for the rest of their life. If you’re a survivor of rape I’m going to repeat again that it is – not your fault. I know no matter how many times you hear it or say it to yourself it’s not an easy thing to believe.
Tags: diamond engagement rings, fashion jewelry, mabe pearls, personality, sterling silver jewelry Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on We have given you a taste
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Now non-celebrities may purchase the pin in sterling silver pin to demonstrate both their commitment to peace and their fashion sense. Think of Fall – Winter fashion trends as the darker, richer version of spring and summer trends: turquoise turns to teal, gauze becomes wool, camisoles become romantic blouses. Accessorize to suit your style and you are all set no matter what the fashion trends are.
In order to keep up with the latest trends in fashion, consider building your wardrobe around staple items that are sure to be in style regardless of the season. Sleeveless tops are the latest trend in sports fashion. Look around yourself and you will notice that most of the top athletes like Rafael Nadal and Carlos Moya adore them. Cloth purses are very casual fashion items, so colorful fabrics and whimsical patterns are the strongest trend.
Tote bags are the most casual fashion accessory of all, and perfect for the beach, for picnics, or for a little shopping. With one glance through a fashion magazine, the importance of sunglasses as a summer fashion accessory becomes very apparent. Bridget Allen has worked for many years in the fashion industry, at a senior level, and she has written an amazing, totally free fashionista minicourse that will thrill, entertain, and most importantly educate you about what you absolutely need to know about fashion.
Hairstyles fashion trends are all easy do’s and don’t require heavy makeup or jewelry. Sample a bit from each Fall – Winter fashion trend and mix it in a unique way, making it personal with jewelry, color and layering. Pearl jewelry with more designs is also a somewhat comeback in fashion trend.
At the fashion shows, bows and sashes adorn every conceivable place on a garment – top, bottom, front and back. About half of the people wearing color contact lenses don’t have any vision problems – for them color contacts are just fashion accessories. A good example of “definition” color contacts is Freshlook Dimensions by Ciba Vision.
They never seem to be out of fashion. Reflecting our country’s growing sense of nostalgia for less-complicated times, fashion this spring will represent a “return to innocence”. Many of today’s youth enjoy making their own jewelry and spring break provides the perfect opportunity for them to showcase their work.
Belly rings and belly chains are available in many designs, but perhaps one of the best-selling designs for college students on spring break is one that features Greek society symbols. Flowers People at 1-800-FLORALS, third-generation retail and wholesale florists specialize in fresh flowers, custom floral designs, and nationwide flower delivery. Traditional red may dominate the Christmas season again this year, but watch out for a greater variety of fresh evergreens, berries, roes and accents.
Rape doesn’t just affect the victim of coral and pearls jewelry it affects their family and friends and makes intimacy an issue. Not just sexual intimacy either – a simple hug from an old friend or concerned relative can cause discomfort for a survivor. My sleep is affected by frequent nightmares or sleepless nights and my breathing is often rapid and panicked. My appetite swings between non-existent to insatiable and my whole system is out of balance. I walk around in a constant state of fear and no longer leave my house alone. I went from a successful, confident woman to a frightened and extremely cautious pearl jewlery of who I used to be. I was disgusted with myself, felt like damaged goods unworthy and alone. I was unable to trust myself or my decisions. Everyone around me became a source of stress, confusion, annoyance or fear. The man who attacked me took away my belief for awhile that this is a good world of wholesale coral jewelry filled with good people. And everyone was a potential threat it my mind.
Tags: cultured pearl bracelet, cultured pearls, memorable occasion, men and women, styles and shapes Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on Now non-celebrities may purchase
Monday, June 16th, 2008

There are a range of different processes used to produce a stone which is a good diamond alternative. Most produce fine quality stones which produce stunning quality jewelry which any woman would be proud to wear.
Moissanite is not strictly a man made diamond though, as it is, in fact, naturally occurring. Unfortunately it doesn’t occur in sufficient quantities to be commercially viable for mining. But technology has come to the rescue by devising a method of producing high quality crystals.
Our preference for the best alternative to diamonds? Moissanite. A fine jewelry stone which will make a stunning engagement ring, or other jewelry piece. And you can buy moissanite wedding jewelry at a fraction of the price of diamond wedding jewelry.
Many types of pearls exist for the collector, the jewelry professional, and the novice alike. One can never tire of studying this field. Pearls come in various shapes and sizes and there is a large selection of pearl available on the market at varying prices. One of the most expensive and valuable pearl is the natural variety that is formed without any human interference. Because they are so rare, they are considered antique jewels when discovered.
Cultured pearls are formed the same way as natural pearls; the only difference is that man implants an irritant in the oyster and the oysters are raised in a controlled environment. The majority of pearls available in the market are cultured pearls.
Freshwater cultured pearls are cultivated in freshwater and grown in mussels. The irritant and the oyster used in making freshwater pearls is smaller; therefore, freshwater pearls are generally smaller in size as compared to other artificially grown pearls.
Saltwater cultured pearls are grown in saltwater oysters. These pearls require a lot of time for harvesting, and it may take over two years to get a quality pearls. They are available in a variety of colors such as white, cream, yellow, gold, silver, rose and black.
Keshi pearls are tiny pearls of uneven sizes and are usually formed out of debris that enters the oyster when it is opened during the harvesting process. Australian sea pearl are considered the rarest and finest cultured pearl in the world. Other varieties include South sea pearls, Chinese freshwater pearls, Akoya pearls, Mabe pearls and Tahitian pearls.
A single strand of classic cultured pearls is always in fashion. The Autumn/Winter fashion season is at its best. Each year, on fashion runways from New York to Paris, Milan, and Toyko, sterling silver is “new again” as designers interpret it in new and exciting ways.
When I think about how my life has changed of enhancer jewelry since the rape and how unique rape of tin cup rope pearls is I feel more alone and isolated than ever before. Because I’m different now. Because someone raped me. My body was violated of freshwater pearl and turquois. So if you can’t bring yourself to imagining what if it were you – at least imagine how difficult it is for survivors. We don’t need to dwell on details of the attacked by pendant enhancers. It is truly unimaginable. I understand why people can’t imagine themselves in my shoes and why it’s difficult for many people to experience empathy. So let’s skip that part and fast forward to what it’s like for me now. Don’t look at what was done to me, look at what was taken from me.
Tags: art literature, cultured pearl bracelet, diamond engagement ring, perfect choice, rivers in the usa Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on There are a range of different processes
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Diamonds may be a woman’s best friend, but modern man made diamonds are so good as to be indistinguishable from real diamonds. And when you look at the huge savings on price, man made diamonds may be a woman’s best decision.
Increasingly, engaged couples are considering the cost of some wedding jewelry. In today’s high pressure high cost lifestyle couples are really wondering whether or not it is appropriate to spend big on, say, a diamond engagement ring.
The more spent on wedding jewelry the less available later for the important things in the marriage, like a house. Or the kids when they arrive. Is it responsible to spend so much to buy a diamond engagement ring when these more important things may need to be compromised later?
Especially when you consider that good quality man made diamonds cannot be distinguished from real diamonds, even by jewellers.
Faux diamonds are big business. The pearl jewelry industry was revolutionised by the advent of cultured pearls. Synthetic diamonds are doing the same thing to the wedding jewelry business.
There are a range of ways to produce synthetic diamonds. Modern technology is very adept at making any product which will sell well and faux diamonds are no exception. And the quality is so good that many of the alternatives to diamonds perform exceedingly well when compared to diamond using the common diamond quality tests.
In such tests as hardness, refractive index, fire, brilliance, luster and others the man made diamonds perform admirably. Sometimes even better.
Brilliance is a test of the amount of light which enters the stone and gets reflected back. It is affected by the quality of the cut of the stone.
Fire is the ability of the stone to break light down into it’s component colors and is also affected by the cut. “Fire” can be seen as color coming out of the stone.Luster is the amount of light reflected back from the surface of the stone.
Moissanite, for example, outperforms diamond in brilliance, fire and luster and is only very slightly lower on the hardness scale. In fact a special piece of testing equipment had to be designed so that jewellers could tell moissanite from diamond as so many were unable to.
And, of course, moissanite is much cheaper than diamonds. And if most jewellers cannot tell it apart from diamonds, could you?
When someone is in a car accident, is robbed or house is broken into silver shell jewelry wholesale there’s an outpouring of support. People can empathize on keishi pearls because they too drive a car, carry money in their pockets on city streets, or own a home. Therefore they can feel for the victim because they can imagine themselves in that person’s shoes. With rape it’s different. I don’t know why for sure of wholesale pearl necklace it just is. While those who have had their home broken into can attest to “feeling violated” and many of shudder thinking of how horrible it must feel to have someone go through your things, be in your home and take something that isn’t theirs; nobody wants to imagine what it would feel like to truly “BE VIOLATED” in the most personal pearl necklace, degrading and horrific sense of the word. Because then we’re no longer talking about sock and underwear drawers or jewelry boxes or the fact that someone has been in our home uninvited – we’re talking about someone being inside us uninvited. We’re not talking about things being taken we’re talking about basic safety being violated.
Tags: beloved wife, diamond engagement rings, men and women, oysters, pearl bead, vein of love Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | Comments Off on Diamonds may be a woman’s
Monday, June 16th, 2008

Nacre is the substance from which pearls are made of. This is the same substance that you’ll find inside the shell of a mollusk or oyster. Nacre affects the luster and color of the pearl and generally speaking, the thicker it is, the higher the value of the pearl.
Texture is also a consideration, since pearls, unlike gemstones, are prized based on their surface. A clean and smooth surface is an indication of a good quality pearl. It should be shiny, reflective and without spots, bumps or discolorations.
There are different types of pearls. Most of them are expensive and also considered as valuable assets for mankind. The value of pearls depends on its size, quality and its smoothness. Most people consider larger pearls as more valuable because they are not artificially made. Natural pearls have their own luster and glow along with its unique shape and size that is different from cultured pearls.
Among all the pearls, the white-pink colored pearls have more demands in the market and are the most expensive ones. Some pearls are cultured and artificially made with ranging colors Cultured pearls look sparkling. They are quite less expensive and have low value. Of all the pearls, people prefer the round and white pearls, as they are the most expensive and valuable. They are made into earrings, necklace and rings. Some of the rare and expensive kinds of pearl are as follows.
Hanadama pearls : These pearls are known as flower pearls. They are also considered as very high quality pearls. It produces minimum nacre of 0.4mm. The average nacre production of Hanadama pearl is 0.6mm.
Conch pearl : Conch pearls are natural pearls. They are expensive and very rare and are also famous for their flame structure. To find a good quality conch pearl, one needs to select carefully. Out of 100 conchs pearl, only one is of good quality. They are mostly found in the west part of Florida . Most of the Conch pearls are used in making rings, earrings and necklaces.
Black Tahiti pearls : The black Tahitian pearl is also very rare and mysterious. While selecting a black Tahitian pearl, one need to be very careful and should examine its color, size, shape and other qualities. The Tahiti pearls are very less in number, so the prices are quite high. They are also considered as the most precious gemstones in the world.
Keshi pearls : Keshi pearls are found in Japan, France, Indonesia and Australia. They are known as accidental pearls. They are formed by the tiny organism, which accidentally grows inside a nucleus. Thus, they are called as the bi products of pearl cultivation.
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Tags: diamond engagement ring, fashion jewelry, freshwater pearl necklace, men and women Posted in freshwater pearl necklace | 1 Comment »